
The Science of Sucralose: Good Or Bad?
Let’s explore the history and potential health outcomes effects of this tremendous artificial sweetener and discover the role it plays in our Café Mocha.

Science Behind Soylent
What Is Soy? And Why Do We Rely On Soybean Protein?
Soy is a sustainable legume that allows us to create soy protein isolate, the most complete plant protein on earth.

A Guide to the 9 Essential Amino Acids and Why We Need Them
There are nine essential amino acids, and because each amino acid has unique properties, you can use particular ones according to your needs.

How to Use a Shaker Bottle (And Clean It, Too)
Shaker bottles go by many names but they’re all the same at their core. The little metal sphere inside them is what gives these bottles their magic.

Why Time Management is All About Energy
Life is better when you can accomplish your goals without the symptoms of burnout. Take care of your body, get to know yourself, and manage your energy wisely.

When to Drink a Protein Shake
Do I drink it in the morning? Only when I'm working out? How about if I skipped a meal? We're answering all of your protein powder questions and much more.

Ingredients That Support Your Immune System
There are multiple things to consider when tackling the need for a ready-to-drink, all-in-one complete protein shake. Our team wanted to create something that was delicious and affordable, while o...

Complete Nutrition vs. Fad Diets
By Nora Minno, RD We’re all looking for ways to improve our health. As a dietitian I have gotten questions about every single fad diet out there – “does it work” “should I try it?” I could go on an...

Soy Protein vs. Soy Protein Isolate
Soy; it’s vegan, sustainable, and within all of our wonderful complete nutrition shakes, oh-so-delicious! But how is Soy Protein different from Soy Protein Isolate? Short and sweet: Soy protein is...