
Give Yourself the Gift of Time

The holidays are different this year, but even though we aren’t traveling or going to holiday parties it seems there is still so much to do. To support your busy life we have pulled together our top 5 favorite ways to save time and to simplify this holiday in the hopes it will give you a few moments back to enjoy the season.

#1 → Buy Gift Cards

Gift cards may seem like an impersonal gift or even the easy way out, but the reality is that most people LOVE them. By buying a gift card and sending it digitally you save shopping time, wrapping time, and even the time you would spend writing a card because often digital gift cards come with a card included. Now that is a win, win, win…

#2 → Call your parents

As millennials, we know that moving a conversation with your parents from text to calling may be awkward and something you have actively been avoiding, but we promise it will save time! If you take just 10 minutes to give them a call, it will save hours of back and forth when your Mom misreads your text messages or wants to send screen grabs of what she sees on Facebook. Not only will this 10-minute call save your hours in the future, but it will also bring your parents a big smile! (And that is free!)

#3 → Combine your Breakfast and Coffee

We are sure you saw this recommendation coming, but for the rest of the year, we all need every added morning motivation, every extra minute, and every added nutrient to get through this crazy year. So why not swap your morning bitter coffee and soggy cereal with a Soylent Cafe Mocha and get your caffeine and nutritiously complete breakfast in one bottle. All you have to do is open the fridge and enjoy. Just think if you did this 5 days a week and you saved 10 minutes a day, that is 50 minutes at the end of the week. What could you do with an extra 50 minutes? Relax in the bath? Watch another episode of Queen’s Gambit? Get that call to your parents out of the way?

#4 → Schedule Time to Check in on Work

Since it is the holidays and you are off work (hopefully) it may feel counterintuitive to plan time to work, however, most of us are not lucky enough to have the full winter break we had in college and we will likely need to troubleshoot, check-in or finish a couple of projects over the holidays, so plan it in advance. If you take the time to let your boss know specifically when you plan to check-in and when you plan to be completely unplugged you can avoid (or mostly avoid) having to check your email on your “off” time.

#5 → Make Donations in lieu of Gifts

We all want to make our friends and family feel loved over the holidays, but for those of us who don’t have big bucks to shell out on gifts, what about making one donation to a charity of your choice. Make your donation and then send a link to the organization to your friends and family and let them know you donated in their honor. This does not have to be 10 individual donations (it can if you like), but one lump donation would be appreciated by any organization and will let your friends and family know you are thinking of them. Another win-win!